The purpose of coaching is to further enable the sustainability of the business and the leaders’ potential through improving the business and their performance and ability to make sustainable changes in their respective functions, becoming a lot more effective in meeting their functions’ performance goals and overarching strategy.
Coaching may involve both enhancing current skills and acquiring new skills, and enabling of the leaders’ ability to move forward independently for business sustainability, with the self-belief required to do the same.
Our Coaches are ICF Certified Professional Coaches with a wealth of corporate leadership experience, hence qualified to coach Corporate/Business Leaders.
In support of the coaching segment of a training programme, we deliver the following services:
- Design a detailed framework that will be used to coach and mentor the Trainers of Trainees (ToTs). This is a consultative process in which the Client approves final materials;
- Undertake the coaching of the ToTs to enhance their ability to make sustainable changes in the organisation;
- Support the ToTs in unlocking potential to maximize organisation performance through helping them to learn and transfer the learning into the organisation;
- Report on the process, including intermediate and final reports;
- Track and report on the coaching process and the impact thereto; and
- Make recommendations on the process, and the way forward that will enable the improvement of the process, for the subsequent cohorts.
Our Coaching approach entails use of an established Coach Masters Academy (CMA) proprietary coaching approach known as Awareness-Clarity-Choice Conversation that integrates the science of Emotional Quotient and Positive Psychology. You can be assured of our credibility to deliver an empirical based learning programme. We use this approach and tailor it to the unique needs of the leaders.
Project based coaching using the GROW model is also embedded in our coaching methodology. The CMA Awareness-Clarity-Choice conversation model is a high standard, proven methodology, with worldwide recognition. Our CMA program is approved by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the world-renowned organization that sets professional coaching industry standards.